
The School Day Classes are in session from 7:20 am until 2:20 pm. Students are expected to be on time to their classes.



Students are expected to assume the responsibility for regular and prompt attendance in each class. If a student is not physically present in the classroom assigned, he/she will be marked absent, regardless of the reason (school business, committee meeting, band trip, illness, prearranged, etc.).

After an absence, students returning to school are expected to:

  • provide the school with a written explanation from the parent or legal guardian within three (3) school days. No copies or faxes accepted.
  • request make‐up assignments from their teachers.
  • submit make‐up assignments within the time frame specified by the individual teacher.
  • submit a doctor’s note to excuse any absence after the 10th absence.
  • submit a doctor’s note after three (3) consecutive absences.
  • secure an admit during lunch within 3 days of returning to school and make arrangements with teachers to make‐up or turn in assignments.
  • Arrangements to make‐up a quiz/exam must be done in a timely fashion.

Excused School Absences/Tardies

An absence/tardy that does not fall into one of the excused absence/tardy categories is considered to be unexcused. According to School Board Rule, an excused school absence falls under one of the following: student illness, medical appointment, court/immigration appointments, death in the family, school sponsored event, observance of religious holiday, and/or an educational/enrichment activity as determined by the principal or the principal’s designee. The Miami‐Dade County School Board has an established attendance policy which states, “a student accumulating ten (10) or more unexcused absences in an annual course or five (5) or more unexcused absences in a semester course is subject to the withholding of the final passing grades. Students whose grades are withheld will receive NC (no credit) on their report card.”.

Please Note: Students will be counted as present only if they are actually present for at least two (2) hours or engaged in a school-approved educational activity which constitutes a part of the instructional program for the student.


Tardy to School

Students arriving at school after 7:20 am are expected to report to the Attendance Office for a tardy pass. An official document such as court documents, healthcare providers note, etc. must be presented to the Attendance Office upon arrival in order for the tardy to be considered “excused” as per School Board Rule. Repeated tardies may be considered a Group II Violation of the Code of Student Conduct and will result in referral to the Assistant Principal in charge of attendance. Students are expected to take advantage of his/her educational opportunity by attending all classes punctually on a daily basis.

Tardy to Class

Students have five minutes to get to class before the tardy bell. If a student is in attendance in school, he/she will be considered tardy to class if he/she is not in his/her assigned room when the tardy bell rings. Students who are excessively tardy will be referred to the appropriate administrator. Students will be assigned to detention, work detail, SCSI, Saturday School, or outdoor suspension for excessive tardies.

Early Dismissal

Permits to leave school are granted in emergencies. Students are urged to arrange doctor, dental, and other appointments at hours that are not in conflict with school time. Parents requesting a permit to leave school must present a picture ID. According to School Board Rule, students will be released only to those individuals whose names are listed in the Release of Student from the School Information section of the Student Data Card. If a Student Data Card is not on file, the student will not be released from school.

School Board Rule states that no student shall be released within the first and final thirty (30) minutes of the school day.

If an emergency should arise, a parent or guardian must sign the student out of school. No permission‐to‐leave slips will be written without a parent or guardian signature. No student will be released by telephone, and under no circumstances will faxes be allowed to release students from school.